Friday 24 May 2013

Mrs. Dubose

In this post, I have decided to write a descriptive poem about Mrs. Dubose in the style of Dylan Thomas. I have decided to do this because we are currently reading To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, and the previous book we studied in class was Under Milk Wood, by Dylan Thomas. The link between these two writers is their descriptive style. Particularly between first glance of a character, and then the contrast between this perception of them, later on in the story.

For example:
To Kill A Mockingbird - Mrs. Dubose
Under Milk Wood - Captain Cat

My Poem is as follows:

Mrs. Dubose is a sick old lady,
She is physically ill, and ill minded,
She insists that a lady must dress like a lady,
Doesn't matter, she will soon end-up-dead.

She taunts Scout and Jem,
With the mind of a child,
But her hash words and comments,
Are anything but Mild.

Like the pistol she carries,
The rumors are there,
But no one knows what really goes on,
Until Jem just goes wild,
and destroys all the flowers,
But Has Mrs. Dubose still won?

Her old age liver spots,
Her pinpoint pupils,
her knobbly hands and her 'sins'
Her layers of blankets.
The wet round her mouth,
And deep, glacier grooves on her chin,

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