Monday 6 May 2013

To Kill a Mockingbird - Chapter #2

The second chapter of 'To Kill a Mockingbird' consists entirely of Scout's first day of school. Who knew there was so much to tell?! Somehow, Harper Lee manages to continue intrigeguing descriptions of Scout's events during school without repeating herself once, rambling unnecessarily, or extended the chapter for sake of ending on a page number that is a multiple of 10.

Having read this chapter, I made a few notes on some of the key points, main events or just things that intrigued or puzzled me.

· This chapter is only one day, and Scout's first day f school.
· Jem explains, quite threateningly, that Scout is not to talk to him throughout the duration of the school hours, should they happen to meet during break times
· Scout's teacher is called Miss Caroline Fisher
· It is soon discovered that Scout is very able to read and write, due to her sitting with her father Atticus, each and every evening.
· Her teacher appears rather shallow in that she doesn't think the Scout should be allowed to be this able. (Miss Fisher explains that children only learn to write in 3rd Grade)
· Soon in the chapter is becomes apparent that Miss Fisher doesn't get along with Scout, and doesn't have much intention on changing her opinion of this young girl.
· Scout is "disciplined" at least twice during the chapter. This consists of her being hit on the hand with a ruler.
· A new class-mate of Scout is introduced; Walter Cunningham. He is a very poor boy who has no lunch with him on the first day, and it is explained that he will never have lunch with him.
· Miss Caroline has sympathy for him and gives him money to buy lunch. Walter refuses to take is as he can never pay it back. (His family never takes something they cannot repay them for)
· Walter's father is a doctor, but despite this, his family is known for being very kind, but very poor.

This brings my second chapter summery to a close, but I can tell you that Walter Cunningham is a key part to a large chunk of the story in Chapter #3.

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