Monday 6 May 2013

To Kill A Mockingbird - Capter #3

This 3rd chapter in 'To Kill a Mockingbird' still partially includes Scout's fist day of school. However, he main event that I picked up on, and have decided to write about, is the incident of a mosue in Burris Ewell's hair. In the book the mouse is referred to as a "cootie" but there are subtle clues which reveal that it is a mouse, and yes, is lives in this young childs hear. Not as a rodadnt who will not leave, but as a pet or a friends that is welcomed to stay... in Burris Ewell's hair...

During the chapter...
  • Miss Caroline is frightned by the  "cootie" in Burrs' hair.
  • She tells him he must wash himself bfore coming into school the nect day, but soon discovers that this would be pointless.
  • It is discoverd, by Miss Caroline and the reader, that Burris only ever attends the first day of school, and has been doing this during first grade for the past 3 years.
  • Burris manages to intentionally make Miss Caroline Fisher cry.
  • Burris leaves the school before the school day is over, but only because he is threatened by Little Chuck Little, who is half his size, and then storms out exaplining that he is leaving through choice, and not because anyone has told him to go.
  • During the lunch break at school, Scout decides that she will beat up Wlter Cunningham. To me, it is not entireley clear about why she doesn this.
  • Jem finds out about Scout's actions and decided to invite Walter to their house for dinner.
  • Scout is appauled by Walter's eating habbits and does not keep this to herself. Caluprnia, the family cook, tells her off for being rude to a guest.

Finally, the chapter is brought to a close by Scout threatening to abbandon her school life after the first day! But Atticus talks her out of leaving. He does this by saying that they shall not listen to Miss Carolines instructions to stop inproving Scout's reading and writting skills,  by continuing to read together each evening, which they boh enjoy doing, but only if Scout continues to attend school.

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