Friday 3 May 2013

To kill a Mockingbird - Chapter #1

To kil a mockingbird, written by Harper Lee, is written from the perspective of a young girl, aproximatley age 6, called scout. She has an older brother called Jem, about age 10, who is the first character introduced in the book,by name, and is revealed to have broken his arm at the elbow at the very begining of the story. As brother and sister, Jem and Scout are very close and spend a lot of time playing together, and re-enacting plays or sotries that they know. However, Soon into the story, another young boy is introduced into their friendship group. His name is Dill.

  • 9 / nearly 10 years old.
  • He attends school.
  • He enjoys playing with Scout and Dill.
  • He referrs to his father by only his first name, Atticus.
  • He broke his arm at age 13 and was unable to play foodball for a while.
  • The family cook, Culparnia (A black women) think that Jem is well behaved. (more so than Scout).

  • About 6 years old.
  • She looks up to her brother, and he lookes out for her.
  • She doesn't particularly get along with the family cook, Calpurnia (A black women).
  • She also referrs to his father by only his first name, Atticus.
  • She is excited and wants to go to school.
  • When the first meet Dill, she is a little but sceptical about taking with him, but now gets along with him.
  • Dill is jsu ta nickname, but he is always rteferred to by this.
  • Dill's real, full name, is Charles Baker Harris.
  • He is from Meridian, Mississippi and often takes trips or holidays between places.
  • When you first meet hiom, he is "Spedning the summer with his Aunt, Miss Rachael".
  • At the begining, Dill seems the most interested in the Radley House, and Boo Radley Himself.
  • Dill challenges Jem to go and touch the side of the Radley house, a private property who everyone is afraid of going near, in return for a "Grey Ghost".

This fisrt post on the book was an introduction to the story and the tree main characters. I hope you found this useful.

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