Friday 17 May 2013

Well that's embarrassing...

I remember, one time, when I was younger, I stole a piece of chewing gum, from my mum. In order to not get caught, I decided to hide it, with the goal on munching on it later. However, the time at which I decided to eat this gum, was in the middle of the night. I somehow managed to fall asleep whilst eating this gum, and yes, I could have choked in my sleep.

When I woke up the following morning, particularly early for a saturday, I found the piece of mushy, chewed up gum, stuck right in the front of my hair. My hair was ties back, so I decided to cut the gum out of my hair in order to make it look even, no matter how my hair was styled (I did this myself so as not to face my mum telling me off for 1) steeling her gum, and 2) eating it during the night).

When it came to the time for my mum to brush my hair, a long, large chunck of glossy, wavvy, healthy hair fell out... right at the front of my head. I smiled in disbelief, but I genuinly had to hold back tears. I turned a bright shade of pink and denied having any knowledge of how it happened.

To this day, my mum doesn't know what really happens, and I hope she doesn't find out any time soon... SORRY MUM! And yes, my hair is still growing back in an uneven patch.


  1. I really enjoy this story. I love the fact that she still doesn't know. Is it a good idea to make this public now?

    1. um... probably not... I don't really know what my thought process was. "why not post an actually story about myself, using my name, that certain people arn't surposed to see! it's a great idea!"

  2. I like the way in which you build suspense throughout this tale, and was genuinely shocked by the ending! :)

    1. Thank you for the comments, I appreciate the encouragement! And yes, the ending was just as shocking writing about this, and it actually happening! :O
