Tuesday 7 May 2013

To Kill a Mockingbird - Chapter #4

This chapter in the book mostly explaines the different games the children play which are based on their perception on Boo Radley (Arthur Radley) and his life. Also included, as what appears to be a mager plot point in the story. What I am referring to is the items that Scout descovers that there is a certain tree in which a certain person keeps some of their belongings. Some of the notes that I made are:

  • Each day, Scouts makes to effort to run past The Radley House and not just walk past, so that she can get home as soon as apossible. (At this point, Scout walks home on her own, because Scout finishes her school day before Jem).
  • One day she notices something near The Radley House, (On the Radley's premesis) and gets the courage to go back and look at it. It turns out that what she saw was tin foil.
  • The tin foil happens to be inside a hole in a tree, which is placed near the Radley House. Inside the tree, there are two pieces of gum. It appears that they were trying to be hidden using the foil. Scout takes the gum.
  • Scout eventually decides that the gum isn't poisined and eats it. Jem finds out she is doing this and makes her spit it out and wash out her mouth.
  • It is the summer holidays, so the children (including Dill) have a lot of spare time, and end up playing together.
  • They end up playing a game, invnted by Jem, which includes them acting (which they enjoy). The game is litterlly just the children acting out Boo Radley's life (Mocking him).
  • Another game ends up with Scout rolling along the path in a tire, and crashing to a halt in the Radley front garden.
  • Scout is certain that she hears laughter from the Radley House before she makes her escape from the premesis.

There is another incident with the tree, in which Scout and Jem find another item in the tree, which is also wrapped / decorated with foil. They take what is inside and they find a small box containing a small amount of money. Finding gum and taking it is one thing, but stealing money is another. Converstations sparks up on whether they should keep the money or the box, or if they should replace the items and say no more about it...

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