Tuesday 7 May 2013

To Kill A Mockingbird - Chapter #5

The chapter re-cap that I have written for chapter 5 consists of a description of character called Miss Maudie, a friend of the children, and also one of the days events, which (un-surprisingly) involve interfering with Boo Radley and his privacy.

Miss Maudie:

  • She is a widow and spends mos of her time outside. It is not explained into a lot of detail, but she spends as little tie inside her house as possible, perhaps since her husband died.
  • She is a baptist (not a foot-washing baptist)
  • She often enjoys baking sweet goods, and will somtimes give it to the children (Scout, Jem and Dill) if they behave themselves.
  • She also knew Boo Radley as a boy, and remembers him as being a polite, well behaved, and perfectly friendly young boy. She will only ever call him as Arthur Radley, and not Boo Radley (She also doesn't allow Scout to call him Boo infront of her. This shows that she has respect for his name and his privacy).
  • She allows Scout, Jem and Dill to play in hr garden (A large, wide open space) as long as they do not trample on her flowers.

Whilst Scout, Jem and Dill are playing:

  • The boys only allow Scout to know hwat they're doing, and join in, as long as she does exactly what hey say.
  • She finds out that they want to give a note too Boo Radley. This notes asks Boo Radley to come outside, purleey because they want to actually see him in person. They try to persuade him by saying, if Boo Radley comees out, they will buy him an ice-cream.
  • Dispite their valiant effort, they are caught, told off and tricked into addmitting what they were doing, and the game they play. (acting out Boo Radley's life.) All this is admitted to Atticus (Scout and Jem's father).
  • No one else in the village is aware that the children were trying to contact Boo Radley, or the they were caught.

This chapter ends with Jem shouting to his father, a lawyer, that he no longer wants to be a lawyer like his father. He shouts this threataningly, but it is mentioned in the book that jem only does this when he is sure that Atticus cannot heaer him. It is suggested that his father, and possibly Jem aswell, have planned for Jem to be a lawyer like his father for a while. Jem mgiht even be going against his word.


  1. I think you should throw a shrimp on this post, it would be great
